The boys spent a day moving the raft and fishing boat,
behind Dooley's farm a 1/4 mile north on Beaver Creek.
It was the night that the boys waited for a half lit moon,
and still.
They stationed themselves along a long pine grove behind
Dooley farm.
One by one they stealed along the fence in preparation
of the removal of bottles from Dooley's shed.
Rodney said, "I want the best men up front, Josh
then Travis down the line Then the guys that can carry a lot.
Ton and Tank and then the pack up crew, Brent and Brian
to load the boats.
Rodney went to the shed and smashed the pad lock with
a 2 lb hammer. then ran behind the shed to make sure he hadn't been heard.
He then motioned to Josh to start hauling cases of bottles out of the shed.
Rodney was near the side of the house so he could hear if Dooley awoke.
Josh carried the bottles to the start of the grove handed to Travis, who then carried
100 yards and handed them to Ton, who then carried them to the end of the grove.
Handing them to Tank who brought them to the top of the bank of Beaver Creek.
Brent and Brian carried them down the bank to the boats.
It was 11:42 pm all was going as planned the bottles were nearly emptied of the
shed when Josh tripped and made a loud crash. The crash may not have
awakened Dooley but the "Oh Fuck" out of Rodneys mouth outside the house
startled the old man from his dream of Ireland and childhood, and how he had
dropped a flat of eggs in front his Dad. The first time he uttered the words.
"Josh Go", were the next words outta Rodneys mouth, by then Dooley had grabbed
his trousers, jacket and shot gun. Rodney ran to the grove, Josh a good 50 yds
ahead turned to see Dooley level his gun and shoot into the night.
Rodney kept yelling "Run" as the whole gang relayed down the line "Run"
By the end of the grove they had all gathered, Then starting down the bank
of the creek, Rodney fell, Ton and Tank grabbed him up and carried him.
At the boat, Ton said," Rodney you're bleeding!" " I know it burns",
the boys put him in the boat and started down stream, Rodney looked
at some pellet holes in his thigh, Josh said you need to see a doctor,
"Ton, get out and go get Lenny", Rodney said.
Ton ran a 1/2 mile to Lenny's that night, never stopping, he ran like
he never had before.
Pounding on the door he yelled, " Lenny you got to help, Rodney's been shot!
Lenny came out "what are you talking about?" Ton, panting, " OL man Dooley shot
Rodney, you have to come!
Lenny grabbed his army kit and ran to the pickup with Ton.
"Thomas how bad is it?" " His leg is bleeding" and he fell and couldn't walk",
Ton said. Ton started crying, Lenny said, " that crazy ol man shooting a kid what was he thinking."
Ton said," we were robbing our bottles he owed us, He went crazy I guess."
Lenny turned into the field behind Ton's house and Ton opened the gate,
"I hope they have made it this far now." Arriving at the cabin Brian and Brent were
pacing around outside. Josh ran to the pickup and said," hurry, I don't think it's bad, but
he's in pain. Lenny entered the cabin, Rodney said, " I think I screwed up,
It really hurts bad, Can you fix it?"
" Let's take a look little brother," Lenny opened his kit, "It's a good thing I was a medic in Nam,
drop those shorts and let's see." Lenny asked for the flashlights to shine on Rodneys wound
then looking close he said "I think you'll live, only 7 pellet holes that I can see", He then shot
Rodney with a small amount of Morphine, and started digging out the pellets with long tweezers.
Rodney started to drift and talk about being in love with Roxanne, and he would be a hero after
being shot. " Lenny said, " All done lil brother, but I think you should go to the hospital."
Rodney said," And ruin everything?, We worked so hard !"
Lenny saw something in Rodneys' eyes that said it all, "All right but if you get infection,
it's all on you." Rodney said," Lenny, You're the best". Lenny said " I'll check on you tomorrow,
when does this camp thing end? "Day after tomorrow," Rodney said. "We have to meet
at the Church lot at noon like nothing ever happened." Yeah like nothing ever happened",
Eh, lil brother." with that Lenny shook his head and smiled . " I love you ,lil brother"
then turned and left.
Rodney drifted to sleep, the boys talking about how brave they were and
James Bond didn't have nothing on Rodney and the rest of the gang.
How Lenny the Hippy was the coolest guy with all his medic stuff from Nam.
How he helped steal the bus and save Rodney.
Tommorow we'll cash the bottles and give Rodney a big cookout.
Ton and Tank went to the house to get bandages and peroxide
and a surprise for the party.
I'll see you next time for another adventure with the Soda Bottle Kid.